Rebecca’s Free Introduction to Afterlife Communication

Rebecca’s Free Introduction to
Afterlife Communication

 Free Introduction to Afterlife Communication Course is designed to assist your desire to communicate with deceased loved ones. There is no right or wrong way to receive messages from those that have passed on. Follow your heart and your intuition. Believe you can communicate with your loved ones from the after life.

Embrace the learnings. Explore the teachings. Massage the information to work for you.

Lesson 1: The Healing Power of Meditation
Lesson 2: Take Time for You
Lesson 3: Nature’s Gifts
Lesson 4: Animal Messages and Additional Communication Signs 
Lesson 5: Communicating with Deceased Loved Ones
Lesson 6: Exploring Crystal Energy
Lesson 7: Complementary Modalities and The Power of Love

Rebecca’s Free Introduction to Afterlife Communication Course welcomes you to the wonders of communicating with your loved ones that live beyond.

Enjoy the journey. Know that you are loved.

Sending you lots of LOVE always and forever,

Rebecca Austill-Clausen

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